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Grow your Business
with Google Ads Management Services

Capture demand across every stage of the user journey with the most complete suite of advertising solutions to this day. Let’s get started with our Google Ads Management Services!

Why choose Mega Digital?

Your business deserves to be in good hands

With years of experience, a track record of successful campaigns, and the trust of both Google and our customers, we’re confident we’re the top Google ads management agency you can rely on.

The top leading Google Partner

Google has trusted us for years for our exceptional results, deep expertise in advertising, and influential industry knowledge.

global international agency mega digital


More and more customers worldwide are rating us five stars on Trustpilot for the best performance we have made.


Google apac agency leadership circle

An honorary to changemakers of the industry who drive growth through agility, innovation, and continued results.
What makes our Google PPC Management Service Special?

Exclusive Benefits when using our Google Ads Management Services

Google-Certified Experts

Our team is well-trained in Google advertising features and has been utilizing them since their inception, ensuring a deep understanding of the platform’s capabilities.

1:1 Consultation

We provide personalized support and expertise throughout the process with a dedicated Google-certified ads consultant assigned to every campaign.

Google Support Priority

As a top partner in APAC, we have a direct line to Google, ensuring priority access to resolve any ad-related issues quickly and efficiently.

How can we growth your business?

A Google product for every need.

google search ads

Google Search Ads

Reach target customers when they search for products or services through Google Search.

Google Display Network Icon

Google Display Network

Reach 90% of internet users as they browse through 3 million websites and apps on Google Display Network.

Google shopping icon

Google Shopping Ads

Showcase your products with images, names, and prices exactly when users are actively searching for shopping information on Google.

YouTube Ads

Showcase your ads within YouTube videos and across Google's partner websites and apps, attract your audience anywhere.

Discovery ads icon

Demand Gen

Reach your ideal customers on a large scale across YouTube, Gmail, and Discover with an automated bidding strategy.

App Install Ads

Promote your app and boost downloads across Google's networks, including YouTube, Google Search, and Google Play.

Smart Campaign

Highlight your business's selling points and attract potential customers based on relevant keyword themes with our assistance.

Local campaign

Our advertising service provides potential customers with the info they need to decide when and how to visit your physical store.

Google ads icon

Performance Max

Maximize performance with Smart Bidding technology in ads distribution and optimization, helping you achieve goals.

Choose your ideal solution

What is in our Google Ads Management Services?

Our Strategies

Custom Strategies
for Every Goal

For every business goal, Mega Digital crafts a unique strategy, utilizing various ad formats and metrics for optimal results.



Our expertise

Experience The Best Google Ads Management Services with Mega Digital Experts

Advertising Growth Approach

With years of working in the advertising industry, we have developed an advertising method to help your business grow on digital platforms such as Google Ads.

Ad Copies Method

We craft top-tier Google Ads with a mix of advertising know-how and smart content strategy. Our custom, sharp content hits the mark, making our service a standout.

Set up & Optimzation

Post-prep, we extensively apply A/B testing to campaigns, ad groups, copies, and landing pages. This comparison of strategies identifies what’s most effective for your business. 

Google Advertising Optimizing Management Process
Our mission

Every project is
driven by goals
defined by results

Dedicated to goals and ultimate project success, Mega Digital’s Google Ads Experts prioritize top-tier profitability, ROAS, and other key metrics in every campaign, ensuring excellence and impactful results.

Campaign Management Report

Transparency in Costs, Deployment & Reporting

Detailed breakdowns of advertising budget spending at each stage are available for exploration. Receive regular updates on advertising performance, complete with insightful analysis. Develop a profound understanding of our optimization strategies for ad campaigns, offering comprehensive insights into our approach.

What makes us different

Exclusive Access to Google Market Explorer

As Google’s top partner in the APAC region, Mega Digital has exclusive access to the beta version of Google Market Explorer. This tool provides real-time data and trend analysis across all industries and countries. It’s not just a tool. It’s a strategic advantage. Our clients can use these insights to optimize their advertising campaigns, ensuring better performance.

TV Outlet Google Ads website
Case Study

4 Times Growth with

TV Outlet, a leading online TV retailer in the Netherlands, was experiencing stagnant sales and ineffective Google Ads campaigns. Recognizing the need for change, they sought the expertise of us at Mega Digital. We overhauled their marketing strategies and fine-tuned their ad campaigns. The result? A significant boost in audience engagement and a remarkable 3.8x increase in their return on ad spend.

$ 0 K
Ad Spending
$ 0
Cost Per Mille (CPM)
0 x
Return On Ad Spend

Only take a message to have a successful Google Ads campaign!

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What are our customers saying about us?

Questions we get asked a lot

We conduct in-depth research into each client’s industry, target audience, and competition. This information guides us in crafting customized strategies and ad campaigns tailored to specific business needs and industry nuances.

As a top Google Partner in APAC, Mega Digital stays updated with Google’s policies through regular training, monitoring industry news, and direct communication with Google representatives. This ensures our campaigns adhere to the latest guidelines.

The cost of having someone manage your Google Ads can vary significantly based on several factors, including the scope of services, the complexity of your ad campaigns, the size of your advertising budget, and the expertise of the professional or agency you hire. Here are some general pricing structures:

Percentage of Ad Spend: Some agencies charge a percentage of your monthly ad spend. This fee typically ranges from 10% to 20% of your monthly ad budget. For example, if you spend $1,000 per month on Google Ads and the Management fee is 15%, you would pay an additional $150 for Management services. At Mega Digital, we pride ourselves on our competitive pricing, with fees starting from just 5% of your total ad spend.

Performance-based Pricing: In some cases, agencies may offer performance-based pricing, where they earn a fee based on the results they achieve, such as a percentage of the ad spend attributed to conversions or a cost per acquisition (CPA) model.

Hybrid models: Some professionals may use a combination of the above pricing structures, tailoring the cost to your specific needs and goals.

Yes, you should consider hiring someone to manage your Google Ads when your campaigns are not running efficiently or have multiple campaigns and accounts to handle. It can lead to improved results and save you time and resources.

Results can vary based on industry, competition, budget, and campaign optimization. Typically, initial results can be observed within weeks, but significant improvements might take a few months.

Google Ads Management services can deliver improved ad performance, cost-efficiency, better targeting, and higher click-through rates. These services aim to optimize your campaigns and help you achieve a better return on investment.

Yes, you retain control over your ad campaigns with our Google Ads Management services. Mega Digital works in collaboration with you to align the campaigns with your goals, and you can provide input, make decisions, and stay informed about the progress of your advertising efforts. It’s a partnership that combines your business knowledge with our expertise.

Yes, Google Ads can be used for both purposes. Branding campaigns can focus on impressions and visibility, while sales-focused campaigns aim for conversions.

Measuring the success of Google Ads Management services involves tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and assessing various metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns. Here are some common metrics to consider: Click-Through Rate (CTR), Conversion Rate, Cost-Per-Click (CPC), Return on Ad Spend (ROAS), Quality Score.

Google Advertising can benefit various industries, but businesses offering products/services with high search volume or those targeting specific niche markets often see significant advantages.