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How to use TikTok for Business: Basic steps for beginners

Because of the spectacular growth and the advertising potential of TikTok, their development team has launched a tool named TikTok for Business for advertisers to control and optimize their ads campaign.

Let’s find out what is TikTok for Business and what can this tool do in this article.

What is TikTok for Business?

TikTok for business

Source: Internet

TikTok for Business is an all-in-one tool for marketers to advertise on TikTok. Instead of crafting their strategy, this tool helps marketers from creating ads, setting budgets, reaching target audiences, to analyzing campaign data.

TikTok for Business even helps beginners by providing their e-learning services, so they can start using TikTok Advertising more easily through Ads Manager.

How to use TikTok for Business

There are seven basics steps for beginners to use TikTok for Business, which are:
#1 Sign up a new TikTok for Business account
#2 Plan a suitable strategy for your business on TikTok
#3 Optimize your profile on TikTok for Business
#4 Create content attracting the targeted audience
#5 Engage your audience and grow your following
#6 Look into analytics
#7 Optimize advertising options on TikTok

Let’s dig into the details!

#1 Sign up for a new TikTok for Business account

Step 1: Join TikTok now!

Join TikTok for Business account

Source: Internet

  • Download the TikTok app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play store.
  • Tap to open the app.
  • Tap Me in the bottom menu bar
  • Click Sign Up to sign up with your phone number, email address, or registered social media account.

Step 2: Start creating a Free Business Tiktok Account

  • In the app, click “…” at the top right of the Me page
  • Click Manage Accounts and select Switch to Business accounts (or Pro account).
  • Choose the category that best suits your business to get customized content, events, and solutions.

Step 3: Create and be present in public

It’s done! Now you know how to create Tiktok account for business. You can start posting content using TikTok’s creative toolset and share information about your products and services.

TikTok's creative toolset

Source: TikTok

#2 Plan a suitable strategy for your business on TikTok

Start learning about TikTok’s features

First of all, to build a TikTok strategy, it is important to get familiar with the TikTok platform, both inside and outside. You should spend a few hours exploring all features of the app, starting with the For You page. Then, look over all the features such as effects, filters, and editing features.

Understand the algorithm on TikTok

Understanding how TikTok operates and distributes its content is crucial for TikTok businesses. The algorithm in this platform is evolving regularly, hence, you need to know what influences the algorithm to take advantage and improve your presence in front of the right audience. The best way to understand this is that you should research how TikTok distributes and ranks videos, including current top trends.

Another important factor affecting the success of your strategy is captions and hashtags on this platform. Appealing captions and prevailing hashtags will help your videos have a chance to reach more audiences than usual.

Therefore, nothing is more important than the content of the video. You will need to create content your potential customers like to watch and interact with. The more interactions of videos you get, the more chances your content will appear on the For You section.

Know your targeted audiences

It’s important to identify your target audiences before starting your first video production on TikTok. Though this application is completely familiar to the young generation, a wide range of demographics also likes using TikTok. Thus, to build a good content strategy, you should ask yourself where your target market can overlap with TikTok users, or whether a new or unexpected audience will interact with your content.

Tiktok Demographic

Source: DataReportal

When deeply understanding your audiences, the message conveyed in your content can catch their attention.

Research your competitors

Find the presence of your competitors on TikTok, research all the activities about what they are doing or not doing, and evaluate if their content is effective or not. Do not forget to pay attention to which types of content that attract followers. You can use influencers or content creators as creative inspiration.

Set goals and objectives

After finishing all research market steps, you need to set objectives for your campaign. As a result, you can establish TikTok strategies to achieve the set goals.

Before setting business goals, it is important to ask yourself how TikTok will accomplish them. You can use the SMART framework to make sure your objective achieves 5 criteria: Specific; Measurable: Attainable; Relevant; Time-bound.

Prepare a specific content plan

While you can come up with creative ideas for your content accidentally, planning your content in advance is a wise decision for managing content on social media platforms, especially on TikTok. From a social media content calendar, you can not only remember important posting dates but also have enough time to prepare your content. Besides, don’t miss the special occasions of the year to develop content based on those series or themes.

What’s more, your post can go viral if your target audience on TikTok is online and craves videos with creative content.

#3 Optimize your Business profile on TikTok

To build a TikTok channel suitable for sales and marketing, it is crucial to optimize your TikTok profile. The content on TikTok may be different from other social media channels but make sure your brand identity is consistent across all platforms. What you need to do are:

  • Use profile photo with color or brand representation: Ideally, you should connect your TikTok account directly to other digital platforms of your business. It is essential for you to show your customers that this account is part of your company, besides Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or website.
  • Write a short and engaging biography: At just 80 characters, your bio should include an emoji that showcases your brand’s personality and a call-to-action line.
  • Choose a suitable URL: Based on your strategy, it can be a landing page, an e-commerce website such as Amazon, Alibaba, other social media accounts, or an existing blog post.

#4 Create content attracting the targeted audience

First, you need to know that when you open the app and surf the news feed, you will get access to a multitude of content on the TikTok platform. Thus, your content needs to be different, and unique, grabbing the attention of your audiences from the very first seconds.

4 tips about making content on TikTok

In fact, to create successful TikTok videos, there is no specific formula. However, you can refer to some of the following tips:

  1. Blending in to stand out: TikTok is a platform for fun, lively, and amusing content; you should learn how to adapt to this ‘culture’ while maintaining your own brand voice and values.
  2. TikTok is a social platform, not a working space: TikTok is a platform where people can relax through its content. So, don’t make some videos that are too formal or rehearsed. You don’t need an expensive video setup to record also. Starting simply by filming videos with your phone still helps your content go viral.
  3. Use high-quality video and sound: Because these are factors that impact directly on your user experience. That doesn’t mean you have to buy expensive equipment, but you should try to film in well-lit areas with good audio. If clean audio is not attainable, replacing the original sound with a trending track might be a good option to consider.
  4. Use TikTok hashtags: It will help your content get discovered through search and assist the TikTok algorithm in determining what kind of themes you’re discussing. You should find out more about the best hashtags to use to increase the number of reach and views to your page.

In 2023, updating amazing TikTok video content ideas will help you acquire millions of followers and grow your TikTok channel. While being innovative and keeping up with current trends on TikTok is a fantastic tactic, generating original content is a certain method to keep your community interested and earn more followers.

  • Tutorials and how-to videos are always trending: Whether it’s a fitness video or a culinary demonstration, people like a little information in their feed. Show off your knowledge or give some insider information to keep them interested.
  • Team up with other creators: Try out the Duets feature to engage with other videos, or commission an influencer for a partnership.
  • Demonstrate the human aspect of your company: Take your viewers behind the scenes of your workplace. Allow your staff to display their workspaces or other items.

#5 Engage your audience and grow your following

Though TikTok’s algorithm can make a video from a new TikTok account go viral in only one night, it is often not easy to achieve. To be more certain, you should try to increase your followers and interact with your videos. This method will help you build a scientific and effective strategy for developing your TikTok channel.

Furthermore, remember that it is an extremely bad idea to buy followers. The best way to get a huge number of followers is to create great content. For any social media platform, there are several rules you need to apply with the aim of keeping those followers who are interested and interact with your channel:

  • Try out polls and questions.
  • Interact with the content of other TikTok accounts (like and comment)
  • Record interactive live streams
  • Follow top trending topics in your TikTok community

#6 Look into analytics

TikTok for Business was born to record and measure your channel performance. So, the function Tiktok Analytics will help you know if your brand health is good or not. Then, you can answer these three questions by yourself through this feature:

  • How much reach and engagement do you have?
  • Are those types of videos really successful?
  • Who is actually your audience (viewer who follows your content)?
Look into analytics

Source: TikTok

Analytics – The analytics tool on TikTok’s platform can show you some really interesting metrics to help you get a more accurate assessment of your current performance and provide direction for effective improvement.

#7 Optimize advertising options on TikTok

TikTok helps small businesses to compete with other big brands without spending a lot of money on advertising. Currently, Tiktok provides users with diverse forms of advertising, suitable for each purpose. Depending on your budget, advertising campaign, and audience, you can choose from 4 following advertising options to grow your company through TikTok for business marketing:

  • Topview: As the first video users see when they open the app, this function is TikTok’s biggest billboard to promote at scale and close the sale.
  • Branded effect: Tiktok users will add branded effects to their videos, help create showcases, and sell multiple products at once.
  • Branded hashtag challenge: These are the types of advertising that businesses use to inspire TikTokers to create content around an optional brand-related hashtag.  Businesses using this ad format will be allowed exclusive access to that hashtag, which is not possible on other platforms.
  • In-feed ads: Easily build a visually stunning and lightweight web page on TikTok.
  • Add-on features: Spark Ads, Display Card, Gift Code Sticker, and Super Like.

Final words

In fact, the ultimate goal for business efforts on TikTok is conversion rate, sales, or brand engagement, all of which are closely related to credibility. To achieve this, businesses need an effective marketing strategy and it will be a process that is researched and optimized continuously. As a TikTok partnered marketing agency, Mega Digital has years of expertise in creating effective TikTok ad campaigns and building TikTok account that have helped businesses expand quickly and significantly.

Read More: Advantages of Embracing TikTok Ecommerce to your Businesses

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Truc Hoang
Truc Hoang
Senior Account Manager, Business Consultant & TikTok Advertising Specialist


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