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News: TikTok officially allows Ads redirection to Message apps

Exclusive news for Mega Digital’s Clients! TikTok has updated their Instant page template called “Consultancy Advertising”.

This new update focused on intangible products or services that required consultancy before purchasing. Sellers can now set up the conversation as a type of conversion.

For details:

If you want to use this option, please select Instant Page Contact Template named “Consultancy Advertising”.

Messaging Platforms have been connected to TikTok Ads
Source: TikTok

Customers can start conversation via:

  • Phone Call
  • Messaging Platforms (such as LINE, WhatsApp, etc.)

All the options above now have linked to Instant Page. After clicking the contact button, visitors’ mobile interface with be redirected to the Offsite App.

Result after After/Beta-testing:

TikTok has tested this feature for a small number of sellers in Thailand. After two testing phases, the record has shown:

  • The Loading Speed of Instant pages has increased 12 times faster.
  • The Conversion rate (CVR) increased by more than 39% compared to others.
  • The Cost-per-acquisition (CPA) was reduced by under 60%.

Any other questions please contact your consultants for more information.

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Disclaimer: This feature available only on Instant Page

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Khang Lê
Khang Lê
As a Digital Marketing & Market Research expert for years, Khang Le will definitely give you all the best insights you need to leverage your business.


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