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Top 7 Best Dropshipping Niches in 2024 with Low Competition

Imagine finding the perfect niche is like discovering hidden treasures in the e-commerce world. Many entrepreneurs plunge into saturated niches, only to face disappointing sales. To succeed in dropshipping, it’s crucial to find low-competition niches that offer big rewards. In this article, we’ll share the top 7 profitable niches for 2024. These niches not only offer significant profits but also protect you from intense competition. As we gear up for the upcoming year, these best dropshipping niches offer aspiring entrepreneurs a golden opportunity to excel in the dropshipping arena. Let’s explore these hidden gems of potential.

What is a niche in dropshipping?

A dropshipping niche is a specialized segment of the market for a specific category of products. When choosing a niche for your online store, it’s very important to do your research, because not every product category will bring in consistent sales. Also, it helps businesses identify profitable markets with lower competition, allowing them to stand out and succeed in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

Running a niche store entails concentrating on a specific category and exclusively selling products associated with that category. The concept of a niche can also encompass a community of individuals who share a common interest in a particular type of product.

For instance, niches can revolve around groups like athletes or musicians, each catering to the unique preferences and needs of these distinct customer segments.

>>> Learn more: Dropship 101: How to Start Dropship for Beginners [2024 Guide]

How to choose a dropshipping niche with low competition?

Tap into Keyword Research Tools

Imagine you have a keen interest in pet-related products and want to explore the best dropshipping niches with low competition. Keyword research tools like Ahrefs and Semrush are your trusty companions. These tools act like treasure maps, revealing search volume, keyword difficulty, and competition levels for various keywords and niches.

Example: Let’s say you’re eyeing the pet niche. Using these tools, you discover that “organic dog treats” have low keyword difficulty and substantial search volume, making it an appealing niche with less competition.

Embrace the Power of Google

Google is your go-to guide for niche research. Picture this: you’re curious about eco-friendly home products. Google’s Related Searches feature and Google Suggest come to the rescue. They unveil related keywords and trending searches within your chosen niche.

How to choose a dropshipping niche with low competition?

Example: As you explore candle products, Google reveals related searches like “wax and wick candles” and “candle builders” giving you fresh niche ideas.

Search Google when finding the best dropshipping niche

Google Trends acts as your niche popularity radar. Imagine you’re into fitness products. Simply enter your niche keyword and adjust filters for specific insights! You see the rise and fall of interest over time, uncover related topics, and spot emerging trends.

Leverage Google Trends in finding the best dropshipping niche

Example: While researching fitness, you notice a consistent interest in “home gym equipment,” indicating a niche with enduring demand.

Explore Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner, accessible via Google Ads account, is your gateway to keyword insights. Let’s say you’re intrigued by organic skincare. Enter your niche or keyword ideas, and this tool provides keyword suggestions along with search volume data.

Example: You discover that “natural acne remedies” have a high search volume, hinting at potential interest in the organic skincare niche.

Twitter becomes your trend-watching hub. Suppose you’re passionate about tech gadgets. By searching for relevant hashtags like #smartdevices, you can gauge their popularity and relevance within your niche.

Harness the Potential of Twitter Trends in finding the best dropshipping niche

Example: You find that #wearabletech is buzzing with tweets and retweets, signaling a hot topic within the tech gadget niche.

Investigate Online Marketplaces

Online marketplaces like Amazon hold the keys to best-selling products. Imagine you’re interested in kitchen gadgets. Explore “Best Seller” categories to identify top-performing products with a track record of success.

Example: Within the kitchen gadget niche, you notice that the “multifunctional blender” consistently garners positive customer reviews, signaling a profitable niche.

Harness the Potential of TikTok

Choosing a dropshipping niche with low competition on TikTok is smart because on TikTok, your content stands out easily and saves money on advertising. Plus, you can become an authority in that niche, building trust and loyalty. You’ll also have more engaged, niche-specific audiences, making your business more sustainable over time. It gives room for creativity, reduces risk, and you can keep better profit margins without the stress of fierce competition. Just remember, the trick is finding a niche that’s not too crowded but still has enough potential customers to make it work.

Harness the Potential of TikTok in finding the best dropshipping niche

So, how to choose a dropshipping niche with low competition? Easy. Just go to TikTok Creative Center – a valuable resource for dropshippers seeking profitable niches. 

Mega Digital gonna propose some tricks for fellow dropshippers:

  • Niche Down: Narrow your focus to a specific category or subcategory. For example, instead of “fitness,” consider a specific fitness product or workout routine.
  • Check Engagement and Competition: Look at the engagement levels and competition for the products within your chosen niche. Aim for products with high engagement and lower competition.
  • Keyword and Hashtag Research: Use relevant keywords and hashtags associated with your niche. Find less competitive keywords that still have a decent search volume.

Moreover, TikTok’s trend-driven nature helps identify best dropshipping niches by leveraging the platform’s trending hashtags and sounds. Also, the TikTok Creative Tools enable the creation of distinctive and innovative product promotion videos, allowing dropshippers to stand out. By exploring trending hashtags, sounds, popular videos, and utilizing the search bar, dropshippers can pinpoint niche opportunities and craft compelling content to reach the growing TikTok audience, effectively boosting their dropshipping businesses.


  • Go to the TikTok Creative Center.
  • Click on the “Trending” tab.
  • Browse through the trending hashtags and sounds.
  • Look for hashtags and sounds that are relevant to your interests and that have a low number of views and likes.

For instance, if you’re into dropshipping tech gadgets, search for hashtags like #techgadgets or #wearabletech, and seek related sounds like a ringing smartphone or gaming sounds.

Once you identify relevant, low-competition hashtags and sounds, you can delve into niche opportunities. Another way to spot low-competition best dropshipping niches is by finding popular products on TikTok with few sellers. Search for products and check the number of sellers offering them. If you spot a popular product with limited competition, it presents a promising opportunity to start your dropshipping business.

Learn more: TikTok Dropshipping 101: Beginner’s guide to dropship on TikTok

Tips to choose a dropshipping niche 

When it comes to choosing a dropshipping niche, the right strategy can make all the difference. Here are some valuable tips to guide you in your niche selection process.

  • Look for niche markets that are still emerging. New niche markets are constantly being created, so there is often less competition in these markets.
  • Target niche markets that are underserved. Some niche markets are underserved by larger retailers. This can be a good opportunity for dropshippers to enter the market and compete.
  • Sell products that are difficult to find locally. If you can sell products that are not available in local stores, you will face less competition.
  • Sell products that are difficult to ship. Products that are large, fragile, or expensive to ship are often less competitive.
  • Sell products that are personalized or custom-made. Personalized and custom-made products are often less competitive because they are more difficult for larger retailers to produce and sell.

7 Best Dropshipping Niches in 2024

We’ve conducted thorough research to compile a list of the best dropshipping niches for 2024. We have also analyzed their growth potential, applicability, demand, quantity and profit margins. Let’s see our niche dropshipping ideas!

Sustainable Products

Sustainable Products is the best dropshipping niche

As people become more aware of the environmental impact of their purchases, the demand for sustainable products is on the rise. This includes products that are made from recycled materials, are biodegradable, or are produced in an ethical and sustainable way. 

  • Potential in 2024: As we head into 2024, the idea of running a business that cares about the environment and society is becoming more important. People don’t just want good products; they want businesses that do good for the world. So, in the coming year, the sustainable goods industry will become one of the top dropshipping niches.
  • Applicability: These ideas can work for many different types of businesses, not just specific ones. It’s like having a toolbox that can be used for lots of jobs. No matter what you’re selling, whether it’s clothes, gadgets, or home stuff, you can use these ideas to do better in terms of the environment and society.
  • Demand and Quantity: 
    • The demand for sustainable products is high and growing. According to a recent survey by Nielsen, 66% of global consumers are willing to pay more for products and services from companies committed to sustainability.
    • Many people like businesses with good ethics and this trend is expected to grow in 2024. While I can’t tell you exactly how much businesses will make, I can say that more and more people are looking for companies that care about the world. The exact numbers will depend on many things, like how good a business is at being sustainable and how many other businesses are doing it, too.
  • Profit Margins:
    • Besides helping the planet and society, these ideas can also help make more money. When customers trust you and want to keep buying from you, you end up making more in the long run. But the exact amount you make will be different for each business. Still, these ideas can lead to a more successful and stable business.
    • The profit margins for sustainable products can be high, but they vary depending on the industry and the specific products being sold. For example, the profit margins for sustainable clothing can be as high as 50%, while the profit margins for sustainable food can be as low as 10%.

Personalized Outgrowths

Personalized Products is the best dropshipping niche

People love products that are unique and tailored to their individual needs. This is why personalized products are a popular dropshipping niche. You can sell a variety of personalized products, such as clothing, jewelry, home decor, and more.

  • Potential in 2024: As e-commerce continues to surge, the demand for personalized products is expected to grow. Shoppers seek unique, custom-made items, and that’s where your dropshipping business comes in. The custom product market is poised to flourish in 2024, ensuring the potential for steady growth.
  • Applicability: Personalization spans various niches, from clothing and home decor to pet products and accessories. The versatility of this approach is what makes it so appealing. By offering customization options on a wide range of products, you can cater to diverse customer interests.
  • Demand and quantity:
    • The demand for personalized products is high and growing. According to a recent survey by Deloitte, 40% of global consumers are willing to pay more for personalized products.
    • Your success will depend on identifying and marketing to the right audience. Whether it’s custom clothing, home decor, or pet products, you’ll find customers willing to pay a premium for items tailored to their preferences.
  • Profit margins: The profit margins for personalized clothing can be as high as 50%, while the profit margins for personalized gifts can be as low as 20%.

Niche Electronics

Niche Electronics is the best dropshipping niche

If you’re passionate about electronics, you could consider dropshipping niche electronics. This includes products such as smart home devices, wearables, and gaming accessories.

  • Potential in 2024: The electronics and gadgets market has shown consistent growth and is expected to continue flourishing in 2024. Keeping an eye on trends, staying up-to-date with innovations, and adjusting your product offerings accordingly can ensure your store remains competitive.
  • Applicability: Assessing your market’s needs is pivotal. Research local preferences, popular gadgets, and consumer pain points to tailor your product selection. Start by offering in-demand, budget-friendly, and low-competition items. As you gain experience and trust, consider expanding to higher-ticket items.
  • Demand and quantity:
    • The niche enjoys high demand, but competition is equally fierce. The key is to find a balance between products with strong demand and those you can consistently source. Watch for trends, consider seasonal demand (such as holiday gifts or back-to-school gear), and maintain a diverse inventory to cater to varying customer needs.
    • The demand for niche electronics is high and growing. According to a recent report by Gartner, the global smart home market is expected to reach $158.5 billion by 2024.
  • Profit margins: 
    • Profit potential varies based on the products you choose. While high-end gadgets can yield substantial profits, they may also require more significant investments and carry higher risks. Low-ticket items, on the other hand, offer quicker turnovers but slimmer margins. Striking a balance between high-margin and low-margin products can help optimize your overall profitability.
    • For example, the profit margins for smart home devices can be as high as 50%, while the profit margins for gaming accessories can be as low as 20%.

Fitness and Health Products

Fitness and Health Products is the best dropshipping niche

Accounted for 83% growth than in 2023, health-related industry is on the list of best dropshipping niches. People are always looking for ways to improve their health and fitness. This is why fitness and health products are a popular dropshipping niche. You can sell a variety of fitness and health products, such as workout equipment, supplements, and apparel.

  • Potential in 2024: This is due to a number of factors, including the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, the growing awareness of the importance of fitness and health, and rising incomes.
  • Applicability: Fitness and health products can be sold in a variety of industries, including fitness, nutrition, and healthcare.
  • Demand and quantity: According to a recent report by the Global Wellness Institute, the global wellness market is expected to reach $7 trillion by 2025.
  • Profit margins: For example, the profit margins for fitness equipment can be as high as 50%, while the profit margins for nutrition supplements can be as low as 20%.

Pet Products

Pet Products is the best dropshipping niche

Pets are like family members to many people, so they’re willing to spend money on high-quality products for them. This makes pet products a popular dropshipping niche. You can sell a variety of pet products, such as food, toys, and accessories.

  • Potential in 2024: The demand for pet products is expected to continue to grow in 2024 and beyond. This is due to a number of factors, including the increasing humanization of pets, rising incomes, and the growing number of pet owners.
  • Applicability: Pet products can be sold in a variety of industries, including pet food, pet supplies, and pet grooming.
  • Demand and quantity: The demand for pet products is high and growing. According to a recent American Pet Products Association report, the US pet industry is expected to reach $110.3 billion in 2023.
  • Profit margins: According to a study by Oberlo, the average profit margin for pet products in dropshipping is 30%. It’s fairly high.

Home and Garden Products

Home and Garden Products is the best dropshipping niche

People are always looking for ways to improve their homes and gardens. This is why home and garden products are a popular dropshipping niche. You can sell a variety of home and garden products, such as furniture, decor, and tools.

  • Potential in 2024:This is due to a number of factors, including the increasing popularity of DIY projects, the growing trend of home improvement, and rising incomes.
  • Applicability: Home and garden products can be sold in a variety of industries, including home improvement, gardening, and outdoor living.
  • Demand and quantity: According to a recent report by the National Gardening Association, the US gardening industry is expected to reach $64.8 billion in 2023.
  • Profit margins: For example, the profit margins for power tools can be as high as 50%, while the profit margins for garden décor can be as low as 20%.

Baby and Kids Products

Baby and Kids Product is the best dropshipping niche

Parents are always looking for the best products for their children. This is why baby and kids products are one of the best dropshipping niches. You can sell a variety of baby and kids products, such as clothing, toys, and furniture.

  • Potential in 2024: This is due to a number of factors, including the increasing birth rate, rising incomes, and the growing awareness of the importance of early childhood development.
  • Applicability: Baby and kids products can be sold in a variety of industries, including clothing, toys, and furniture.
  • Demand and quantity: According to a recent report by the NPD Group, the US baby and kids industry is expected to reach $103.3 billion in 2023.
  • Profit margins: For example, the profit margins for baby clothing can be as high as 50%, while the profit margins for baby furniture can be as low as 20%.

Alert: Sale season is coming, and you better prepare for it! 

The holiday season is just around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to boost your sales and engage with your audience on TikTok. Are you ready to make the most of this festive season and drive your business to new heights? Get ahead of the game with our exclusive eBook: “TikTok Holiday 2023: How to Drive Engagement and Sales during the Festive Season”. In this E-book, we will share our expertise and proven strategies to help you make the most of TikTok’s advertising campaign and drive sales during the holiday season. With TikTok’s vibrant community and powerful reach, you can stand out and make a lasting impact.

[Ebook] TikTok Holiday 2023


These best dropshipping niches can yield substantial profits when choosing the right products. They offer the advantage of maintaining a consistent store income throughout the year, with some months naturally being more lucrative than others. The beauty of niche dropshipping is that it eliminates the need to constantly hunt for new products or build your loyal niche customer file. Moreover, it’s essential to craft a tailored marketing strategy for each product within your niche store to maximize success.

Ready to boost your dropshipping business with the hottest TikTok products of 2023? Dive into our article and discover the Top 30+ winning TikTok dropshipping products. Start selling today for maximum profits!

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Phuong Linh Linh
Phuong Linh Linh
TikTok Advertising Specialist


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