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Microsoft Ads Agency Account for Rent

Access to Microsoft Ads Agency Account with the lowest fee in the market and no budget standard required. Only take a few minutes to start running ads on your new account after our expert contacts you.

Microsoft Ads Agency Account
Microsoft advertising partner badge

Microsoft Ads Agency Account for Rent

Access to Microsoft Ads Agency Account with the lowest fee in the market and no budget standard required. Only take a few minutes to start running ads on your new account after our expert contacts you.

why choose us

Premium Microsoft Agency Account from the Leading Microsoft Partner in APAC.

No more suspended

The Second Largest Market share after Google

Reach more than a half billion users worldwide on Bing, Windows, XBox, MSN, Outlook, and more with a Microsoft Ads Agency Account.

allocate your budget

Work 24/7 with a well-trained ads expert

We’ll help you with account creation, website audit, campaign set up, and optimization to ensure your campaign runs smoothly.

Unlimited ads account

Allocate unspent ads balance Immediatelly

Ads Account Suspended? Pfft… We can immediately allocate your remaining balance to a new ad account instead of weeks waiting for Microsoft’s response.


Unstoppable advertising with the lowest fee

Get in on Mega Digital’s premium offer, starting at only 5% of your ad spend. Access our top-tier Microsoft Ads agency account immediately, with no minimum budget, ad spending limits, and flexible payment options!

Mega Digital Payment methods
the leading bing advertising partner
Exclusive benefits

Flexible payment - Low cost

Self-served Microsoft ad account

The vanilla experience (that we don’t endorse).

Mega Digital ad account

The best way to advertise on Microsoft.

Our process
Our process

Get your Ultimate Microsoft Ads
Agency Account ready in minutes​

Microsoft Bing Ads Agency Account process

Information validate

We will thoroughly inspect all your business information, including websites, products, and paperwork (for specific industries), to make sure your business complies with Microsoft policies.

Microsoft bing agency ads account strategic consulting

Make your first Top-up

We will send a payment gateway link for you to add your first top-up. Your account will be ready in 30 minutes after you send us proof of the transaction.

Microsoft bing campaign ads set up

Get your campaign ready!

We will guide you through all the features and show you how to set up your campaign and account to ensure you have the best advertising experience on Microsoft!


Let's hear what our customers saying about us

Questions we get asked a lot.

Microsoft Ad Agency Account is an account provided for an agency partnered with Microsoft. The difference with a personal ad account is your ad balance in a suspended account can be allocated to a new one immediately (for top-notch partners only, like Mega Digital).

Besides, you can top up your balance on this account via various payment methods and gain direct support from Microsoft partners 24/7.

You can top up via Payoneer, USDT & BUSD, etc. Our diversity-paying method will save you from paying transaction fees. We only accept payment through the billing system on our website. Scammers might ask you to top up through their personal accounts, please be cautious.

The process of Microsoft Ads agency account creation is different from setting up a Google Ads account for personal use. The main difference is that the agency will create you from scratch. You only need to top-up the account and advertise.

In detail, this is the process of creating a Microsoft Ad Agency Account.

  • Step 1: Send us your business information
  • Step 2: Top up through our payment method
  • Step 3: Access your Microsoft Ad Agency Account and start advertising!

The Microsoft ads agency account cost is based on tax and service fees. The minimum cost starts from 5% of the total ad budget. The more you spend on advertising, the less you have to pay.

Our specialists will help you appeal the suspension and withdraw your unspent ad account balance.

Create your Microsoft ads agency account Today!

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We’ll contact you shortly

Our team will reach out via WhatsApp or Telegram within 24 hours. If your request is declined, you’ll receive an email notification.

Ensure your submission is detailed and follows our policy. If you believe there was a mistake, feel free to contact us or submit again.